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Track: Net Zero Energy Buildings: The International Race to 2030
Sponsor: 7.1 Integrated Building Design, 1.5 Computer Applications
Chair: Krishnan Gowri, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, Autodesk, Bothell, WA
This seminar brings together leading industry experts in energy design and modeling to discuss state-of-the-art strategies, tools and techniques to achieve net zero energy design goals. An overview of the future codes, standards and voluntary programs trending towards net zero are discussed with an emphasis on the metrics, compliance methods and technologies. Results from California state energy efficiency studies to achieve net zero by 2030 are presented along with a case study on achieving net zero for retrofits. ASHRAE members will gain knowledge of industry trends, technologies and modeling insights for high performance building design.

1. Trending Towards Net Zero: Codes, Standards and Voluntary Programs
Krishnan Gowri, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, Autodesk, Bothell, WA
This presentation provides a summary of leading codes, standards and voluntary programs including ASHRAE 90.1, 189, IgCC, CEC Title 24, AIA 2030 and Federal Executive Order 13514 - all aimed at high performance and net zero building design. Primary metrics, design tools and evaluation methods to meet the net zero design goals will be discussed. Attendees are provided with resources for learning about these new programs and databases available on recently completed net zero buildings.

2. Scenario Analysis for ZNE Modeling
Charles Eley, P.E., BEMP, Member, Eley Consulting, San Francisco, CA
As zero net-energy becomes our goal, we have a fixed energy target (e.g. zero) that is verified after the building is constructed and operated. The assumptions on operating conditions are no longer neutral as they are with the two-model approach used for code compliance; they are critically important. This presentation introduces the concept of an energy services index (ESI) and recommends that the energy modeling workflow include scenario analysis for a range of energy services that the building could potentially deliver in the future. For future ESI's that are more demanding, opportunities for additional renewable energy are identified.

3. The Technical Feasibility of Zero Net Energy Buildings in California
Wyatt Kennedy, P.E., Arup, San Francisco, CA
The California Public Utility Commission and California Energy Commission have set a Zero Net Energy (ZNE) 2020 target for new residential construction and a ZNE 2030 target for new commercial construction. This presentation outlines the technical feasibility of reaching ZNE goals for 12 "prototypical" buildings. An energy modeling study has been completed that determined integrated packages of energy efficiency features and on-site renewable energy systems that could move these prototypical buildings as close as reasonably possible to ZNE. This study's central finding is that ZNE buildings will be technically feasible for much of California's new construction market in 2020.

4. Aiming for Zero-Net-Energy at an Existing Supermarket
Rob Best, Arup, San Francisco, CA
This presentation discusses key approaches and initial analytical findings from a project to retrofit an existing operational supermarket to near zero-net-energy (ZNE). The project, partially funded by a California Energy Commission (CEC) grant, seeks to investigate and implement proven pre-commercial strategies for an existing supermarket in the San Francisco Bay Area. The presentation discusses initial energy estimates for the retrofit design and the design's consideration of industry shifts towards ZNE in supermarkets, such as building electrification and thermal and electrical storage. The presentation also discusses the project's use of parametric modeling and analysis to optimize the retrofit strategies..

Presented: June 28, 2017, 8:00-9:30 AM
Run Time
: 90 min.

This is a zip file that consists of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) for each presentation.