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This part of ISO/IEC TR 10000 defines the concept of profiles, and the way in which they are documented in International Standardized Profiles. It gives guidance to organizations making proposals for Draft International Standardized Profiles on the nature and content of the documents they are producing.

This part of ISO/IEC TR 10000 outlines concepts of profiles and taxonomies (or Classification Schemes), and the format and content of ISPs. Annex A gives details of the format and the content of ISPs as required by ISO/IEC JTC 1.

ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 provides principles and a classification scheme for OSI profiles which may be or have been submitted for ratification as International Standardized Profiles.

ISO/IEC TR 10000-3 provides the context for functional standardization in support of Open System Environments (OSE), and principles and a classification scheme for OSE profiles which may be or have been submitted for ratification as International Standardized Profiles. It outlines the basic OSE objectives and concepts, and defines an approach and format for OSE profiles specified by International Standardized Profiles and, along with this part of ISO/IEC TR 10000, gives guidance to organizations making proposals for Draft ISPs on the nature and content of the documents they produce.

Part 2 and Part 3 may be extended for OSI and OSE profiles respectively and further parts of ISO/IEC TR 10000 may be developed to define other classes of profiles.

ISO/IEC TR 10000 is applicable to all International Standardized Profiles of ISO and IEC. Its primary focus is the area of competence of ISO/IEC JTC 1, but by mutual agreement with JTC 1, other Technical Committees may undertake similar functional standardization activities leading to the inclusion of additional material in this Technical Report.