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Document History

  1. ASHRAE 189.1-2011 Errata (September 5, 2013)

    Errata to Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Most Recent
  2. ASHRAE 189.1-2011 Errata (June 4, 2013)

    Errata to Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version
  3. ASHRAE 189.1-2011 Errata (January 17, 2013)

    Errata to Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version
  4. ASHRAE 189.1-2011 Errata (May 2, 2012)

    Errata to Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version
  5. ASHRAE 189.1-2011 Errata (March 6, 2012)

    Errata to Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version
  6. ASHRAE 189.1-2011 Errata (Jan 27, 2012)

    👀 currently

    Errata to Standard 189.1-2011 -- Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored)

    • Historical Version