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Full Description

English Description: These standards cover the sanitary aspects of spray cleaning devices attached to stainless steel solution supply tubes intended to remain in place during processing operations and used on storage and processing equipment and machinery for milk, milk products, or other comestibles. These standards do not cover spray cleaning devices which are removed prior to processing operations.

Spanish Description: Estas normas cubren los aspectos sanitarios de los dispositivos rociadores de limpieza acoplados a tubos de acero inoxidable proveedores de solucion que deban permanecer en su lugar durante las operaciones de elaboracion y que se usen en equipos y maquinaria de almacenamiento para leche, productos lacteos u otros comestibles. Estas normas no cubren los rociadores limpiadores que se retiren antes de las operaciones de elaboracion.


Document History

  1. 3A 78-03

    Spray Cleaning Devices Intended to Remain in Place

    • Most Recent
  2. 3A 78-02

    Spray Cleaning Devices Intended to Remain in Place

    • Historical Version
  3. 3A 78-01

    Spray Cleaning Devices Intended to Remain in Place

    • Historical Version
  4. 3A 78-00

    👀 currently

    Spray Devices to Remain in Place

    • Historical Version