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Full Description

English Description: These 3-A Accepted Practices pertain to the sanitary aspects of equipment necessary for cross flow membrane processing of milk and milk products beginning with the inlet to the supply tank which delivers the liquid product to the membrane equipment and/or the nearest valve which delivers water for diafiltration to the membrane equipment and terminates at the connections on the membrane equipment where retentate, concentrate and/or permeate leave the membrane equipment for storage or further processing. These processes include ultrafiltration, diafiltration, microfiltration, and reverse osmosis.

Spanish Description: Estas Practicas Aceptadas 3-A corresponden a los aspectos sanitarios del equipo necesario para el procesamiento de membrana de flujo cruzado de leche y productos lacteos comenzando con la entrada al tanque de suministro que entrega el producto liquido al equipo de membrana y/o a la valvula mas cercana que entrega el agua para la diafiltracion al equipo de membrana y finaliza en las conexiones de dicho equipo donde el retenido, el concentrado y/o el impregnado sale del equipo membrana para almacenaje o procesamiento adicional. Estos procesos incluyen ultrafiltracion, diafiltracion, microfiltracion y osmosis inversa.


Document History

  1. 3A 610-03 Accepted Practice

    Accepted Practice for Sanitary Construction, Installation, and Cleaning of Membrane Processing Systems, No. 610-03

    • Most Recent
  2. 3A 610-02 Accepted Practice

    Sanitary Construction, Installation, and Cleaning of Crossflow Membrane Processing Systems for Milk and Milk Products

    • Historical Version
  3. 3A 610-01 Accepted Practice

    Sanitary Construction, Installation, and Cleaning of Crossflow Membrane Processing Systems for Milk and Milk Products

    • Historical Version
  4. 3A 610-00 Accepted Practice

    👀 currently

    Sanitary Construction, Installation, and Cleaning of Crossflow Membrane Processing Systems for Milk and Milk Products

    • Historical Version