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Codes and standards published by NFPA are displayed as read-only under license from NFPA solely for use within this system. NFPA material may not be downloaded, printed, reproduced, or transferred.

Reduce death and destruction from wildfire. Use rules for hazard assessment, building design, and fuel modification in the 2013 NFPA 1144.

Essential for community preparedness and protection, NFPA 1144: Reducing Structure Ignitions from Wildland Fire provides a methodology for assessing wildland fire ignition hazards around existing structures and provides requirements for new construction to reduce the potential of structure ignition from wildland fires.

Revised to incorporate the latest industry data from the USDA Forest Service, NIST, and other authorities, the Standard's updated provisions cover design, construction and landscaping elements for structures in the wildland/urban interface.

Update your knowledge of important changes in the 2013 NFPA 1144, including:
  • Additional clarification for the definitions of combustible, noncombustible, and ignition-resistant material
  • New requirements for the maintenance and use of noncombustible roof gutters, down spouts, and connections
  • Protect the lives of both residents and fire fighters and reduce property damage when wildfires strike.
NFPA 1144 presents basic criteria for fire agencies, land use planners, architects, developers, and local government for planning development in areas that might be threatened by wildfire. This Standard, when used as part of a cooperative approach among key disciplines, will provide guidance in the design and development of Firewise Communities in or near wildland fire-prone areas. Landscapers, commercial property owners, and home owners can also used this document to reduce the likelihood of structure ignition during a wildfire event.

Document History

  1. NFPA (Fire) 1144

    Standard for Reducing Structure Ignition Hazards from Wildland Fire, 2018 Edition

    • Most Recent
  2. NFPA (Fire) 1144

    👀 currently

    Reducing Structure Ignition Hazards from Wildland Fire, 2013 Edition

    • Historical Version
  3. NFPA (Fire) 1144

    Reducing Structure Ignition Hazards from Wildland Fire, 2008 Edition

    • Historical Version
  4. NFPA (Fire) 1144

    Standard for Protection of Life and Property from Wildfire, 2002 Edition

    • Historical Version
  5. NFPA (Fire) 299

    Standard for Protection of Life and Property from Wildfire, 1997 Edition

    • Historical Version