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1. Scope This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:
1.1 Replacement: This standard applies to the following electrically operated commercial appliances, not intended for household use: - hot cupboards, with or without heated tops; - heated display cases; - heated crockery dispensers; - heated shelves and tables. The electrical part of appliances making use of other forms of energy is also within the scope of this standard and the influence of the non-electrical parts on the electrical parts is taken into consideration. This standard does not apply to: - appliances intended for industrial purposes; - appliances for the mass production of food. For appliances intended to be used outdoors, additional requirements may be necessary. For appliances intended to be used in vehicles or on board ships or aircraft, additional requirements may be necessary. For appliances intended to be used in tropical countries, spe cial requirements may be necessary. Attention is drawn to the fact that in many countries additional requirements are specified by the national authorities responsible for health, for water supplies and for the protection of labour. /
1. Domaine d'application L'article de la premiere partie est applicable, avec l'exception suivante:
1.1 Remplacement: La presente norme s'applique aux appareils suivants fonctionnant a l'electricite, a usage collectif qui ne sont pas destines aux usages domestiques. - les armoires chauffantes, avec ou sans dessus chauffants; - les comptoirs de distribution chauffants; - les distributeurs d'assiettes chaudes; - les etageres et tables chauffantes; La presente norme s'applique egalement a la partie electrique des appareils faisant appel a d'autres formes d'energie et l'influence des parties non electriques sur les parties electriques doit etre prise en consideration. La presente norme ne s'applique pas: - aux appareils a usage industriel; - aux appareils pour