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Full Description

Adapters and Cylinder Connection Devices for Portable LP-Gas Cylinder Assemblies

UL 2061

1 Scope

1.1 These requirements cover quick-connect type and other hand-operated adapters and couplings intended to connect the cylinder valve on portable LP-Gas container assemblies to the inlet of the regulator on gas consuming equipment. These couplings are intended for vapor withdrawal service only.

1.2 The adapters and couplings covered by these requirements are used in propane systems such as, but not limited to the applications covered by the following standards:

a) Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, NFPA 58, except as noted in 1.3.

b) Outdoor Cooking Gas Appliances, ANSI Z21.58.

c) Outdoor Gas Grills, CGA 1.6.

d) Standard on Recreational Vehicles, NFPA 1192.

1.2 revised January 9, 2008

1.3 These requirements do not cover quick closing couplings for LP-Gas that are used in industrial truck applications, and which are covered by the requirements in the Outline of Investigation for LP-Gas and Natural Gas Devices for Engine Fuel Systems, Subject 1337.

1.3 revised January 9, 2008

Document History

  1. UL 2061

    Adapters and Cylinder Connection Devices for Portable LP-Gas Cylinder Assemblies

    • Most Recent
  2. UL 2061


    Adapters and Cylinder Connection Devices for Portable LP-Gas Cylinder Assemblies

    • Historical Version
  3. UL 2061

    Adapters and Cylinder Connection Devices for Portable LP-Gas Cylinder Assemblies

    • Historical Version